Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Friends & Family: Falling in Love

For a long time, I never thought I would find someone I wanted to spend my life with.  I went through a lot of online dating site failures. When your job and lifestyle do not provide a nice social outlet to meet single men, online dating is an option. I have been on some different sites. You really have to weed through the freaks, weirdos, and guys there for only one reason. Needless to say, I have some pretty funny stories.

After I moved back to FL and before mom got real sick,  I decided to get on farmers only.com. I browsed the site and thought this one may be different. After all,  I grew up on a farm.  Farm kids just have a different outlook on life and work. I wanted someone who shared that with me.

In real life, I'm usually shy around guys I find appealing but here I was more of a risk taker. Every potential man, who I deemed datable, I sent flirts too. One guy sent me a flirt and a message. He was bald (which I loved) and had a nice description. In order for me to respond I had to officially join. I really wanted to read this message so I joined. We chatted for a while, that led to texting and then eventually a first date!!! I was so nervous  but excited too. He had goals, was educated, had a good job, and met most of my preliminary requirements. I learned that he had a big heart, 4 kids that he loved, a passion for farming, and a sense of humor I did not see coming but love. As we got to know each other more and more, I realized I could spend my life with him. When dating I believe in being honest and up front. If it doesn't seem like it would last, then end it. But with this guy, I saw potential. He answered all my crazy questions and asked some of his own.

Not only did this relationship start online but it was also long distance. We live 2 hours apart. This was a big test to our relationship yet we made it work. He means so much to me and I have become a better person for knowing him. Now, neither of us our perfect and we both have a past. However, we have learned from our past and we are better for it.  We have so many plans for our life together and I am excited. We will be a blended family but I love  it! His kids are awesome and we hope to add some more to the mix one day. I never thought I'd meet someone who would fit so well with me and come with 4 precious gifts that I am still getting to know.  His kids are pretty amazing and talented. I am so thankful to be a part of their lives, even if it is just a small part. I cannot wait for all the adventures we will have!

It's the small things that matter most! Everyone deserves a fresh start. Never give up hope. We only live once. Spend your time wisely with the people you love and forgive them for the times in your lives when they didn't know any better. When you do these things, you open your heart and doors in your life for greatness! Push yourselves out of your comfort zone it is worth it!!! Love overlooks mistakes and hard times! Love looks deep with in a person to the trueness in their heart! All you need is love. Choose to be happy!

***its fun writing a paragraph of random stayings but significant meaning***

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Life & The Bucket List: Elsa the Subaru Forester

#buy a new car. Well, I can cross that one off the list. Meet Elsa my new 2015 Subaru Forester. I absolutely love her. She has a sun roof, Bluetooth, AWD, all weather mats, and much more. 
Bye bye Wanda! You will be missed my lil red Mazda3:

And yes I name my cars. They are after all such a big part of our lives. 
1 bucket list item complete... More to go!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Fun & Fitness: Couch to 5K

One goal on my bucket list is to lose 100 pounds. Today I embark on that journey. I'm starting training for a 5k. My friend and I will be running in the inflatable 5k in November. So far, I have been walking some but today I will be starting the couch to 5k training and 30 day abs and thighs. Hopefully, I can cross off another line on my bucket list. Also, I am making my man start it too. We both could get healthier. So here we go!!! Feel free to join in on the challenge and leave your comments. It's not going to be easy but it will be worth it!!

Check out the link below for more info: 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Life & The Bucket List

Do you have a bucket list? What's on yours? "You only live once" Y.O.L.O!!! I plan to live life to the fullest. Here is my list. I will definitely add to the list as I think of things but as I complete them I'll document it here! These are a just some and not in any order:
#ride in hot air balloon 
#buy a new car
#go deep sea fishing
#kayak in the sea
#see Grand Canyon
#camp in the winter... In snow
#visit all 50 states, especially Alaska
#go to Ireland
#write and publish a book
#get my masters degree
#swim in all the oceans
#loose 100lbs (this will take some time)
#go on a cruise
#go hunting
#learn how to shoot
#learn how to fish and catch something
#have a baby
#be a beekeeper, even for just a season
#throw a dart at a map and travel to wherever it lands
#grow old with someone I love
#make a fort out of blankets with people I love

Tell me about something you crossed off your list or have on a list to be crossed off!!!

Family & Friends: The C Word

Check out my blog about my family's cancer journey: http://thecwordthestory.blogspot.com/?m=1 My mom has Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and we have been fighting it for almost two years. It's shrinking!!! So we are staying positive. Feel free to visit and comment!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Heath & Beauty: The Power of the Tea

Steaming, seeping loose tea leafs. The aroma of those different flavors floats up with the steam as you deeply inhale then sip the hot, sweet flavored water. The experience of drinking tea is almost as good as the benefits. There are so many to choose from: green, black, red, white, chai and more. You can put cream, sugar, milk, honey, or lemon in to give it the taste you desire. I take mine with cream and sugar which freaks my fiancĂ© out! 

 Not only does the caffeine in it give you a boost but so do the antioxidants. Oolong tea can help your skin. Drink it and be beautiful. You can put used tea bags over tired eyes for a healthy glow. Do you have a tooth ache? Put a used tea bag on it and the warmth plus antioxidants will help (I've done this... It works)Green tea can ward off cancer and disease plus, speed up your metabolism. ** I'm not a Doctor nor have a proven this but I believe in the benefits of tea***

You can drink tea in a mug, tea cup, or go all out with the tea set! You will not be disappointed.

Plus tea breath is much nicer than coffee breath. Stay tuned for specific tea reviews!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Health & Beauty; Over-exfoliating and Over-budget

Stop scrubbing! Put down the exfoliating cream. You are only supposed to do this once a week not daily. Is your skin red, dry, and flaky? Yes, well then try this home remedy. Mix dry oats, honey, apple cider vinegar, and tea tree oil together to make a homemade scrub that will leave you feeling rejuvenated.

Stop spending all that money on high-priced exfoliants. You have everything you need in your kitchen. Bottle up your own beauty product. You will feel better.

For extra pampering, add scented oils to this mix. Note: rub a small mixture of the added scent on trial area to make sure you are not sensitive or allergic to the oil. Find a scent that is pleasing to you. Try lavender to relieve stress, or chamomile to help you sleep. When you are finished cleansing, your face will feel soft to the touch and you will smell wonderful—especially for that significant someone in your life. Mix it up and enjoy!

Smooth Scrub Recipe
1 teaspoon dried oats (grind them for better texture)
¼ teaspoon Honey (add more as needed)
¼ teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1 drop of tea tree oil
1 drop of scented oil